Evening Prayer Catholic Thursday September 1, 2022

Evening Prayer Catholic Thursday September 1, 2022

Evening Prayer Catholic Thursday September 1, 2022

Evening Prayer Catholic Thursday September 1, 2022

βœπŸ“• EVENING PRAYER πŸ™πŸ» In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Lord, thank You for this great day, You endow us with blessings that come from Your fatherly generosity. I am very sorry for my failings today, I resolve to try my best not to offend You again, for You are good. Lord, as I lay down my head to sleep, I confide to You everything I am, my dreams, my aspirations. My hopes are all in You. AMEN. https://www.christiancatholicmedia.com/blogs/catholic-evening-prayer


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