Morning Prayer Catholic Monday 3-30-2020
Morning Prayer Catholic Sunday 3-30-2020
✝📕 MORNING PRAYER 🙏🏻 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Father, God of goodness and all love, thank You for waking me up to another beautiful day. I raise up all my cares and plans to You. I know nothing is so difficult and hard for You especially if I ask what benefits my soul the most. Provide for me the things I needed today, Lord. Food, drink, clothing and the strength and intelligence that I will use for my welfare. Be my companion as I set my foot to the journey of the outside world, facing the challenges that this day might bring. Be with us today, Lord. AMEN. https://www.christiancatholicmedia.com/blogs/morning-prayer-catholic
1 comment
I have been searching for Prayers written by Mary Deturris for years. I received from Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers some years ago a little booklet of about 7 or 8 pages titled ‘Journey of Faith Collection’ and in the booklet there was a Prayer written by Mary that was awesome!! That little booklet has disappeared over the years, but I never forgot how much I treasured that Prayer. Thank you Mary for that Prayer and these Morning Prayers I have read today and can read everyday for the Rest of my Life. All Praise and Glory to Our Lord Jesus Christ! Ron