Morning Prayer Catholic Tuesday 9-24-2019
Morning Prayer Catholic Tuesday 9-24-2019
βπ MORNING PRAYER ππ» In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Almighty Father, God of all goodness and love, thank You for Your constant Providence, for sustaining us all the time, and in this morning, You opened up for us a new chance, a new opportunity, to love You, to offer our lives to You, to use it for Your glory. Give us, Lord, the things we need today, food, water, clothing, strength and intelligence, everything essential and useful for our day-to-day routine. Keep us under Your watchful care as we extend our feet into the realms of the outside world, for us to improve and grow. Be with us today, Lord! AMEN. https://www.christiancatholicmedia.com/blogs/morning-prayer-catholic