Examination of Conscience for Children

Examination of Conscience for Children

An examination of conscience is a way to reflect on how we have lived according to God’s commandments and the teachings of Jesus. It helps us understand where we’ve done good and where we need to ask for forgiveness. Before going to Confession, take some time to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember your thoughts, words, and actions.

Instructions for Children

  1. Find a quiet place to sit and pray.
  2. Ask Jesus to help you remember the times when you made good choices and the times when you didn’t.
  3. Think about the questions below, and be honest with yourself. It’s okay to feel sorry for the wrong things we’ve done—that’s part of growing closer to God.
  4. When you’re ready, say a prayer asking Jesus to forgive you and to help you make better choices in the future.

Prayer Before Examination

Dear Jesus, help me see where I have done good and where I have done wrong. I want to be more like You. Help me to be honest and sorry for my sins, and guide me to make better choices each day. Amen.

Questions to Ask Yourself

1. My Relationship with God

  • Do I pray every day?
  • Do I talk to God with love, or do I forget to pray sometimes?
  • Have I said God’s name without respect, like when I was angry or joking?
  • Do I pay attention at Mass and participate, or do I get distracted?
  • Have I missed Mass on Sunday without a good reason?

2. My Relationship with My Family

  • Have I been respectful and obedient to my parents, grandparents, and teachers?
  • Have I disobeyed or talked back to them?
  • Have I helped out at home when asked, or have I been lazy?
  • Do I say “thank you” and “sorry” to my family when I should?
  • Have I been mean to my brothers, sisters, or other family members?

3. My Relationship with Others

  • Have I been kind to my friends, or have I hurt their feelings?
  • Have I called others names, teased, or made fun of them?
  • Have I been jealous of others or wanted what they have?
  • Have I forgiven those who hurt me, or do I hold grudges?
  • Have I shared with others, or have I been selfish?
  • Have I told lies or left out the truth to get out of trouble or to make myself look better?

4. My Actions and Choices

  • Have I done what I know is right, or have I given in to peer pressure?
  • Have I taken anything that does not belong to me?
  • Have I cheated in games, on tests, or on homework?
  • Have I been honest, or have I tried to hide things from my parents or teachers?
  • Have I misused or damaged things that belong to others or the school?

5. My Thoughts and Attitudes

  • Have I been grateful for the things I have, or have I complained and wanted more?
  • Have I wished bad things on others or felt happy when something bad happened to them?
  • Have I tried to do my best, or have I given up easily?
  • Do I remember that Jesus loves me and wants me to try to be good every day?

Act of Contrition for Children

After examining your conscience, you can say an Act of Contrition like the one below:

O my God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good,
I have sinned against You, whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with Your help,
to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.
In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.

Final Thoughts

Jesus loves you very much and is always happy when you try to be a good child. Don’t be afraid to tell Him when you’ve done wrong. He forgives you and helps you to start fresh every time you go to Confession. After Confession, do your penance and thank Jesus for His love and mercy.

St. Therese of Lisieux, patroness of children, pray for us!